Vacation Bible School 2023

Come one, come all to Scales Mound Community Vacation Bible School on June 12th to June 16th, 9-11:30 am each day at Scales Mound UMC. Ages 3 (potty-trained) through kids going into 6th grade are welcome.

This year, we will be following the adventures of Super Meer, the meerkat, who introduces the kids to heroes of the Bible as they are called together to serve God. The kids themselves will become heroes as they discover that answering God's call together means to serve, bring peace and build each other up. We need more of that in our world today!! The kids will sing, dance, hear and act out bible stories, make crafts and even have snacks that match the theme for the day. Each day brings a new verse, a new adventure, and new bible heroes. Each day, we also have a spirit day, where we can wear clothes to match the day's color - red for Monday, hornet green for Tuesday, blue for Wednesday, purple for Thursday and black and/or white for Friday. 

Check back each day for pictures of our fun together! Come join us - you’ll be glad you did!

To make our planning and first day a little easier, please register your child(ren) HERE - there is also a parent permission / contact form for you to print out, fill out sign and give to the VBS staff. If you forget, no worries - we can do it together in the first morning your child attends.

Day 1 - Heroes are called to follow Jesus!

Day 2 - Heroes are called to help others!

Day 3 - Heroes are called to work together!

Day 4 - Heroes are called to listen to God!

Day 5 - Heroes are called to show grace!